Embark on a captivating journey through the heart of Los Angeles’ thriving cigar culture in this groundbreaking documentary. Join us as we venture into the smoky enclaves of LA’s beloved lounges, where both locals and celebrities converge to celebrate their shared passion for cigars.

Get ready to be enthralled as Mac, the mastermind behind BQ & S Gourmet chocolate, shares the spellbinding tale of what drew him into this extraordinary project. Meanwhile, let the visionary director Kareem be your guide, leading you on a mesmerizing exploration of how Los Angeles wholeheartedly embraced the explosive rise of the cigar phenomenon.

This isn’t just a documentary; it’s an odyssey into the heart and soul of LA’s cigar world, where every puff of smoke is a story waiting to be told. Prepare to be captivated, inspired, and transported into a world where cigars are more than just a passion—they’re a way of life.

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